
The American Association of College and 老师 Education (AACTE) is a leading voice on educator preparation and represents more than 800 postsecondary institutions. 最靠谱的网赌软件 (ODU) and the 达顿教育学院 and 专业的研究 (DCEPS) are proud members of AACTE and the Holmes Scholars Program. This program is dedicated to supporting students from historically underrepresented communities, who are pursuing a doctoral degree in an education-related field. This is important to increase the percentage of students from underrepresented identities in not only doctoral programs, 同时也是未来的教员. 例如, less than 10% of all faculty within higher education identify as African American, Latinx, 以及美国原住民/阿拉斯加原住民.

The Holmes Scholars Program is designed to enhance the education profession by recruiting, 准备, and sustaining scholar-leaders who reflect and understand the implications of diverse perspectives in the nation's 学习 communities. 大家都说,这是最佳实践的典范. 霍尔姆斯学者计划提供指导, 同伴支持, and rich professional development opportunities to doctoral students from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds. The Holmes Scholars Program also strives to assist AACTE in developing an exceptional pool of diverse candidates for faculty and leadership positions within education.

See what Holmes Scholars Program participants and alumni at other institutions say about the program by 点击这里 请看下面的视频.









Here in the ODU DCEPS, we are proud to have a Holmes Scholars Program. 为什么申请? Gain leadership, funding, 和支持 at ODU, but also connect with the AACTE, a national network of professionals in education-related disciplines.


  • Assigned a Holmes mentor: an ODU faculty in your discipline, to collaborate with on research and successfully navigating doctoral studies
  • Part of a small community/cohort of other first-year ODU DCEPS doctoral students, 谁每月都会在午餐时间见面, 讨论, 学习, 指导, 社区建设, 网络, 和支持
  • 资金 and 指导 to attend two national conferences each year of the Holmes Program: (a) AACTE: parent organization to the Holmes Program, (b) conference specific to each Scholar’s discipline (i.e.教学、辅导等.)
  • Membership in AACTE: National organization for education disciplines
  • National network of Holmes Scholars from across the U.S.: current Holmes Scholars and alumni (nearly 70 programs across the U.S.)
  • Gain experience presenting at a national conference each year as part of the Holmes Program
  • Access to a job fair at the AACTE Annual Meeting/Conference, and access to professional job/position announcements throughout the year

资金 to attend: (a) Writing and 研究 Retreat, and (b) Holmes Scholars Summer Policy Institute in Washington, DC (participating in AACTE’s Day on the Hill and 网络 events associated with the AACTE State Leaders Institute)

The DCEPS is seeking highly qualified doctoral students to be Holmes Scholars, with a cohort beginning late summer/early fall 2024.

This national program has existed for nearly 25 years across the U.S., 以招聘为目标, 准备, and sustaining faculty of diverse representation and perspectives in academia, particularly those from historically underrepresented communities in education related disciplines. 该模型被认为是最佳实践, 提供三年的指导, 同伴支持, and rich professional development opportunities to doctoral students in their doctoral programs, 因为他们准备成为未来的教师.


  • Self-identifies as being from a historically underrepresented community
  • Entering first-year as full-time PhD student in DCEPS, in summer/fall 2024
  • 有系里的研究生助教奖学金吗
  • Interest in a future full-time academic position post-graduation
  • Committing to participate in the three-year DCEPS福尔摩斯学者 program for duration of doctoral program, 其中包括概述的指导, 网络, 研究支持, 会议/旅行经费
  • 承诺福尔摩斯的要求(1).e., monthly cohort meetings; regular mentor meetings; 2 conferences a year; Lobby Day first summer; 研究 Retreat second year)





DCEPS福尔摩斯学者项目主任 心理咨询系 & 人类服务
研究生行政助理 心理咨询系 & 人类服务


学院多样性主任 & 保留 学术事务
副教授 & 副院长 帕特丽夏 & 道格拉斯·佩里荣誉学院




